Samstag, 20. August 2011

No more News? No i just learning.

Hello again

I think that many people are now thinking that this Project is dead, but it is actually not, im just realized that it is just bullshit to translate the Japanese Lines in English with a Online Translator without any knowledge of Japanes, it is possible, but have so many Lines who i can´t find any sense that i decided to learn actually Japanese...

Im just at the beginning but im still working on it, i have also included many new things in this game, but i think i will tell someting about this, when i can finish the first chapter of the story.

Im think, that i could release a demo in November/December. I hope that are still people are intressting on it ;-). AND PLZ! Dont spam me on Boards like Hongfire or WoH!! Write it here :[